For those who don't want to know the grossly intimate details, this is what we did on Monday:
For those of you who are more interested in what it takes to skin and gut a rabbit (slaughter video is not available. You don't want to see that.), WHICH I PERSONALLY DID (one rabbit to Steve's three), you can click here to watch Steve skin and gut a rabbit in less than four minutes.
Ahem. Please excuse my silly commentary, e.g., "Cut its butt off!", "Rip its heart out!", etc. Steve watched this video and promptly informed me that I am worse than a little boy. :P
In othr words, there were six rabbits in that cage, and we ate them all.
D: I was just commenting on how cute the rabbits were (one of my favorite animals). I started watching the video, but I don't know if I can finish it. :(