Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Duties!

Be happy for us! We hardly did ANY weeding this week. Whoo.

We planted peas and beans, we pruned the trees in the orchard (and I got to use the saw, ooooooooh, impressive, I know), Steve taught me how to drive a tractor!, we side-shooted a bunch of tomato plants, we picked a TON of nettles for the pigs who are getting fatter and fatter (and thus closer to slaughter) every day, and when the weekend hit, we went out with Aaron and Orsi and biked much, much farther than I would have liked. :P

Some pictures of things we experienced this week and/or would like to remember after we leave (in three days!):

Notice how the weeds stay away from the flat part of the plant bed. That's right, weeds.... Stay away.

Some other general fun, mostly with the animals:

Those last pictures were of, as Barbara christened it, the "Madeline and Steve love carrot", which immediately became our midday snack.

On Sunday we rode bikes with Aaron and his girlfriend Orsi out to a farmers market about 6km away, then to the Sea of Stones. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out why it is called Sea of Stones after a look at the following pictures:

So that was our last full week on the farm.

You get a prize if you can name the fruit or vegetable pictured here:

And no, it is not a dinosaur egg.


  1. The rabbits look so cute!! And the love carrot, so appropriate. Looks yummy!
