Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Prague Castle, The Pub, and Why USA's Legal Drinking Age is 21.

Steve and I went on a pub crawl last night, per our walking tour guide's recommendation. We figured it would be a good way to find some Praha nightlife on a Tuesday.

It was, in short, a frat party.

It sounded so promising: unlimited drinks for the first two hours at a communism-themed bar then bar/club-hopping to a few more places with a free drink at each. Cool, right?

We showed up to the first bar and found it packed with teenagers.

Now we know why the legal drinking age in the States is 21: it's because adults wanting to go to the bar to grab a drink and relax do not want to be surrounded by children.

Now, Steve and I aren't that old. But we felt old at this pub crawl, with tons (seriously, there were over 100 people on this pub crawl) of eighteen and nineteen year olde running around, acting drunker than they are, pretending they have swagger, thinking they're soooooo cool. It was like a frat party. Guys trying to act macho, girls trying to act like they're not sluts, and basically everyone ating like a dumbass and using the "I'm so drunk! I don't know what I'm doing!" excuse for dong stupid shit like shoving each other into walls and screaming at the top of their lungs while walking through the streets. CONTROL YOURSELF, PEOPLE! It was ridiculous. This is what happens when people drink before they are mature enough to not act like a moron Ugh.

Steve's analogy is grossly fitting for this experience: "It's like a dog park: it's a place for dogs to run around and sniff each other's butts."

Bahaha. Kind of gross, but fairly accurate.

On the bright side, there was dancing at most of the places we went to, so Steve and I danced for a bit, and we met a couple guys who were cool talking with. Oddly enough, the guy we first started talking to (Jordan) is from LA, and his friend (who kept disappearing to chase girls or something) was from CHICO! That was silly - we fly halfway around the world just to meet people we could hang out with in the States. :P Also, there was a 24-hour Mexican food place that had burritos that ALMOST tasted like the real thing! Whoo.

Another upside was that because the pub crawl was super lame, we didn't get trashed and therefore were not hungover in the morning. We spent the morning exploring Prague Castle, which is big enough to be a small village. We did have a beautiful view from up on the hill where the castle lies.

In the afternoon, we ate lunch at a place that had on draught THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER!!! That's right, the American Bud is not the original. And the Czech Budweiser is better because it comes with a dark version - rather than lite! Haha, bad joke. But seriously. Delicious.

After lunch, we decided to have a drink at The Pub, which you may recall reading about when we were in Berlin. The place with the taps at the table?There is a Pub location here in Prague and we had passed by it easily a dozen times in the last day, and once we went searching, WE COULDN'T FIND IT! But after a LOT of wandering around (look at a map of Prague sometime - the whole city is a labyrinth), we made it, AND we remembered to take pictures. Now you can see what the Pub is all about!

This picture is of our table: each table in the Pub has four taps, serving the local beer, Pilsner Urquell. Steve made a little instructional video on how The Pub works.

Having something like The Pub in the States would be quite fun - although the beer on tap would likely be American Bud or Coors or something.... Boo.

After The Pub we took a nap, and after the nap we enjoyed a quiet last evening in Prague - tomorrow, Vienna!

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