Well, I didn't get very far with my resolution to blog more. :-/
In my defense, a lot has been going on: we moved all our stuff in, I started my new job, soccer has started up for Steve, etc. And it has been fun. And I really wish I had some pictures to show you of our place, but it is still not set up as nicely (ie, not clean) as I would like for pictures. BUT I promise I will take some of at least the clean rooms and put them up.... Tomorrow.
I've been at my new job for two weeks now, and obviously I have survived! Things have been really busy from the get-go, and with tax season looming, things will only get busier. But so far I am learning a lot and enjoying the work I've been doing. It's fulfilling, actually, to have so many things to work on, to get projects done, and to have the day fly by quickly. I've been going home for lunch since my work is literally only one mile away from our place, and it feels like a long break in the middle of the day, so I kind of forget that I am basically at work all day long. Steve is still working from home doing his food safety research/manual writing/whatever it is that he actually does, but his schedule is very flexible so he usually has lunch waiting for me when I get home. AWESOME! I love having a useful (and handsome!) husband to come home to.
PT has been going well - although going in the morning BEFORE work is not my ideal time. Ugh. So early. But I have noticed one thing: the first few days after I started working, I was coming home exhausted, both physically and mentally. But once I started going to PT in the mornings, I found that I have more energy throughout the day. You always hear people say that exercise stimulates your body and gives you more energy rather than taking it away, but I never reallllllly realized the truth of that statement until now. And since I (again, because I like to brag ;) ) live only a mile away from my work (ie, a three minute drive), I have time to get up, get some exercise in, eat breakfast, and go to work without really having to get up that much earlier.
Steve has been having fun at home while I'm at the office - like I mentioned already, he's been working from home with a food safety consulting gig, but besides that he's also been playing a lot of guitar, crocheting, cooking, and working out. The new 7v7 season started at the soccer park last Monday, and really since we moved into our place he's been itching to get back in shape - it's been too long for both of us, really. He has his bike up here now and I just brought my old bike from my parents' to our place today, so hopefully tomorrow we can go buy some new tubes for my bike (which I haven't ridden in like eight years....) and then we can start getting some serious cardio in! There are some neighborhoods down the street from us that we can go explore, or we can take our bikes out to the river trail and get some serious mileage in. I'm looking forward to it. I just wish the weather would get nicer! It was nice out (like 60 degrees and sunny) for a few days last week, but it's been drizzle and dreary the last couple days.
So with that not-so-exciting life update out of the way, I will put it on my to-do list to take some pictures of our place and get them up for all the world to see and admire. And hopefully I will get to this sometime before the weekend is over and not like three weeks from now. Here's to hoping! <3
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